The Fayre is on the 13th July from 2pm - 4pm. There will be lots of fun stalls for the children to take part in and the normal popular bottle and sweet raffle. Food and drinks will be served too. More details nearer the time!
Thank you for all the
volunteers who are helping to make the summer fayre a super afternoon. We still have some time slots to fill so
please e-mail
, post a note in the ESPSA letterbox (in office) or fill in the grid in the
We are now collecting bottles for the bottle tombola including wine and beer bottles. Please hand your bottle donations into the office or to an ESPSA member.
We are now collecting bottles for the bottle tombola including wine and beer bottles. Please hand your bottle donations into the office or to an ESPSA member.
We are continuing to collect
books, toys and new party bag fillers. We are also collecting teddies and other soft
toys for the hook a teddy stall. Please
pop them in the summer fayre box in the bike sheds. Thank you.
We are still collecting raffle
prizes. Thank you to Earley Café
and Bosco Lounge for the
latest of our generous raffle prize donations.